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Why Athletes are Microdosing Shrooms for Fitness

Often, athletes get ‘stuck’ in an unhelpful habit or movement pattern – a wonky golf swing, a knee-jarring run stride, a lifting plateau, and on and on. With the increased neuroplasticity from psilocybin, people are able to break out of those well-worn neural pathways and build new, optimized pathways in the brain for the movement pattern they’d like to adapt. Small changes become magnified as they’re quite literally rewired into the brain.

Why Moms Are Microdosing Psilocybin for Postpartum Depression, Anxiety, and More

While some moms are microdosing to find relief from postpartum depression, many mamas just want to feel less overwhelmed, to know themselves more deeply, to change unhelpful habits or thought patterns, deepen their spiritual practice, work through childhood trauma, release resentments, or just be more present with their kids.

Psilocybin for Seasonal Affective Disorder

“Compared to standard antidepressants, which must be taken for long stretches of time, psilocybin has the potential to enduringly relieve the symptoms of depression with one or two treatments,” says Roland Griffiths, Ph.D., Professor and founding director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research.

What Is the Stamets Stack by Paul Stamets & Our Connect Four Microdose Formula

Developed by Paul Stamets, the Stamets Stack pairs psilocybin (the active ingredient in magic mushrooms) with lion’s mane and niacin (vitamin B3) for a powerful, brain-boosting microdose formula.

What is Ceremonial Cacao & why is it special?

Those who want a deep link with their inner selves and the world beyond are drawn to a remarkable potion by the soft words of old practices and the aroma of holy traditions. Ceremonial cacao is a valuable gift from the land that has been treated with reverence and faith for a long time. This pure, raw ceremonial-grade cacao holds the secrets of long-ago cultures that experienced it as a way to connect with the holy.

A Comprehensive Guide to Mushroom Chocolate

Welcome to the enticing world of mushroom chocolate with Hey Sero, where the rich and delicious taste of dark chocolate meets the mystical and magical properties of psilocybin mushrooms. Join us on this journey as we explore the allure of these unique treats, the history and science behind magic mushrooms, and the art of crafting the perfect psilocybin chocolate bar.

Cacao: food of the Gods

Cacao tree in the tropical greenhouse

Cacao, also known as food of the gods, is an ancient plant medicine. Cacao is the seed from which cocoa and chocolate are made, from Spanish cacao, an adaptation of Nahuatl cacaua, the root form of cacahuatl (“bean of the cocoa-tree”).

We’ve updated our doses! Here’s why

We’re changing our doses based on your feedback + our sales data.