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Microdosing 101

Microdosing refers to regularly consuming low doses of psychedelics that do not cause hallucinations. Long-term microdosing has been reported to improve mood, increase energy levels, enhance creativity, alleviate menstrual problems, improve focus, reduce anxiety and stress, encourage healthier choices in terms of food and exercise, among other benefits.

The term ‘microdosing’ refers to the intentional use of low doses of psychedelic substances, administered at regular intervals, with the aim of enhancing cognitive and emotional processes, and improving overall wellbeing.



It has been reported that Canadians consider 125 mg to be their ideal dose of magic mushrooms. However, if you feel the immediate effects are too strong, it is recommended that you reduce your dosage to 75 mg. On the other hand, if you do not notice any immediate effects, you can experiment with increasing your dosage to 250 mg or higher. It is important to give yourself enough time to explore and not to compare your dosage with others. You should do what feels right for you.

What to Expect When Microdosing 

Microdosing should just help shift you into the zone of “me, but on a great day”.

Generally, the immediate effects last 4 – 6 hours but it’s common to experience an ‘after glow’ the next day.  Some people enjoy the day after as much, if not more, than the dose day. 

On your dose days: The effect of a microdose is subtle yet noticeable.  You should be able to go about your daily routine without any impairment.  It’s common for people who microdose to report the following on dose days: music sounds better, they’re more empathetic, more energetic, they pause to think before they speak, they’re more aware of their surroundings (especially nature), their focus feels sharper and they are able to stay on-track.

On your non-dose days: Many microdosers report experiencing an afterglow the day immediately after a dose day. The introspective effects in particular tend to draw out into the next day.  Two days of non-dosing will bring you back to baseline.

With time: As you microdose, pay attention to whether your baseline is rising.  Over time, many people notice broader improvements in mood, experiencing overall stronger focus and memory, feeling more inclined to live a healthy lifestyle, becoming more engaged and present — this list is very expansive.

125 mg / 250 mg / 75 mg refers to the amount of magic mushrooms per capsule.

Note: Be mindful of microdosing with stimulants such as coffee, energy drinks and ADHD medications.


It is recommended to choose two days each week to microdose, such as every Saturday and Tuesday morning. Depending on your experience, you can increase the frequency of your microdosing days. You have the flexibility to choose any schedule that aligns with your personal goals and lifestyle. The only rule to follow is to take at least two days off per week. There are popular protocols, such as Dr. James Fadiman’s 1 day on, 2 days off, repeat, or Paul Stamets’ 5 days on, 2 days off, repeat. It is advised to take your first microdose on a day when you have fewer responsibilities, like a Sunday, to explore the effects in a comfortable environment.

Additionally, it is recommended to take a one-week break after two months of microdosing. This will help you observe the differences you are experiencing.


Before starting a microdosing protocol with magic mushrooms, clarify your goals. Do you want to be more present, improve mood or memory, feel happier, or enhance focus? Your reasons will be personal to you.

Microdosing can have a positive impact on your daily life, but it’s essential to follow your regular routine while doing so. This means that you should continue with your usual activities, including work, exercise, and socializing, while microdosing. The goal of microdosing is to enhance your daily life through the addition of small doses of psychedelics.

Journaling is crucial for a good microdosing experience. It helps you track expected and unexpected effects, as well as the differences between dose and non-dose days.

Users often experience unexpected benefits such as improved sleep, increased motivation to eat well and exercise, and a more positive outlook on challenging situations.


There are many benefits to magic mushrooms – it’s why we do what we do!  Below are the most documented.

To increase the frequency and intensity of desirable states/outcomes, including:

  • Improved mood
  • Focus
  • Creativity
  • Energy
  • Flow states
  • Pro-social behaviour
  • Mental clarity
  • Empathy
  • Relational skills
  • Athletic coordination
  • Leadership development
  • Social abilities

To decrease the frequency and intensity of undesirable feelings caused by various mental states, such as:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • PTSD
  • Addiction
  • Psychosomatic issues


Microdosing is a popular practice, but it comes with legal risks. You can read about the legality aspect in this article. However, in terms of safety, microdosing has proven to be extremely safe. In fact, studies have shown that it is a safe treatment option. You can read this article to learn more about it. Additionally, if you want to dive deeper into the topic, you can check out the full findings from the 2019 Global Drug Survey, where mushrooms are discussed starting on page 93.


The term “flow state” refers to a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in a task, often described as being “in the zone”. It is characterized by intense focus and a sense of timelessness, where hours can pass by without the individual even realizing it. Have you ever been so absorbed in a project that you lost track of time? If so, you were most likely experiencing a flow state.

Studies have shown that psilocybin causes alpha oscillations in the brain, similar to those seen in flow states. Additionally, psilocybin encourages higher levels of serotonin, which are found during flow states.

Psychedelics can quiet the default mode network and enable unique connections between areas that don’t usually communicate, which is crucial for accessing flow states.

Since low-moderate doses of psychedelics can induce flow-like effects in the brain, a regular microdosing regimen could potentially shift our awareness towards flow.


Anecdotal evidence supports the notion that a regular microdosing protocol can help people struggling with depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, mood disorders, and/or addiction.  Here are some examples:

In 2019, the Harm Reduction Journal published a study documenting the experience of microdosers in a sample of 278 subjects. It was one of the most rigorous studies on microdosing ever completed and supports the anecdotal documents of improved mood, focus, creativity, and the like.  We highly recommend you read through their findings.

In several clinical research trials it has been shown that larger doses of psychedelics are effective at treating depression, end of life anxiety, and addiction as well.

If you microdose while attending psychotherapy (we highly recommend), you may find it easier to talk about issues that were previously difficult to access.  You may also notice creative insight into yourself, your past, and your relationships that you previously didn’t understand, providing a new avenue for personal growth.

More From Learn

Macrodosing 101

As you might suspect, macrodosing is the act of taking a dose of magic mushrooms that exceeds microdosing. Of course, macrodosing is nothing novel, it’s just the word that’s relatively new. People have been tripping for years.

Myths, Fears, and Risks

We recognize that in order for everyone to feel comfortable with psychedelics and safely use them to their full potential, we need to be brutally honest about what they are and what they are not. This includes addressing popular myths and fears while acknowledging potential risks.


All of these resources will be helpful in your magic mushroom journey. The below are our favourite videos, books, forums and much more! If you feel there’s anything we missed that we should include, please let us know – [email protected].