Elevated by Sero: Morgan, Founder of Eleventh House Jewellery

Elevated by Sero: Morgan, Founder of Eleventh House Jewellery

Eleventh House Jewellery is a Canadian based line created by designer Morgan Dowler. Morgan is a long-time Sero supporter and shares how microdosing has influenced her life, both personally and as an entrepreneur. We admire Morgan and how she chooses to run her business – creating beautiful and accessible pieces while giving back to organizations doing important work.

Eleventh House Jewellery is a Canadian based line created by designer Morgan Dowler. Morgan is a long-time Sero supporter and shares how microdosing has influenced her life, both personally and as an entrepreneur. We admire Morgan and how she chooses to run her business – creating beautiful and accessible pieces while giving back to organizations doing important work.

What first got you interested in exploring microdosing?

I was going through a particularly hard winter, and major time of transition. I began making my own microdose capsules until I discovered Sero! I appreciated the reliability of the dose, and the benefits of all of the incredible options.

How did you get started? Were you nervous, excited, etc.? 

I was not nervous, but I was excited to see if microdosing was something I would benefit from, and eventually incorporate into my life.

What Sero blend(s) are you currently taking?

Connect Four. I recently took on a new job (along with Eleventh House) that is completely out of my realm of experience. I have had to learn to think in new ways, and Connect Four seemed like a great accompaniment to this new endeavor!

What does your microdosing ritual look like right now? 

Initially, during that first winter, I was microdosing quite regularly, following one of the Sero suggested schedules. This approach was perfect for me at the time. I now choose to microdose usually twice a month, I find it brings me back to that headspace that I found such inspiration in!

What is your favourite part about running a small business?

It is absolutely the connections I have been able to make with other makers and my clients. I make custom wedding and engagement rings and I love working with my clients to create something special for them. It’s such a beautiful, personal and rewarding experience.

Do you think microdosing has supported you as an entrepreneur?

Absolutely. It has helped me break through creative blocks and keep moving during times of stagnation.

What other practices do you explore to support your health and growth?

I recently moved to the interior of BC from Toronto, which has done wonders for my physical and mental health. I am able to spend the majority of my free time outdoors, which has been incredibly beneficial. Staying in contact with my Ontario community has been so important to me too, community is number one.

What’s something your current self has today that your past self yearned for?

Living somewhere that I can fully immerse myself in the outdoors on a daily basis.

What brings you joy these days?

Connecting with my Ontario community has been top of mind lately, as well as building a new community here in B.C.

Where can we follow along your journey and how can we support you?

You can find me on Instagram at @eleventh.house.jewellery and my website is eleventhhousejewellery.com.